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We produce shaped self-adhesive cut-outs from single-sided and double-sided adhesive tapes. Thanks to more than 22 years of experience, we can cut them out of a wide range of materials with different properties (hardness, thickness and colour). We have a large number of tools at our disposal and we are able to design the shape of the die-cut exactly according to the customer's requirements and ideas. Our products are used in the automotive, electrical, mechanical and furniture industries.
The actual process of shape self-adhesive die-cutting is done by laminating silicone paper or foil onto adhesive tape, then either a kiss-cut or die-cut are made and the desired shapes are wound back onto the roll or left loose in some format. We always recommend that you test the application of the tape on a new die-cut on a sample that we will be happy to provide.
Dále provádíme perforace dle požadovaných rozměrů na lepících páskách bez podlepení silikonovým papírem, páska se po tomto cyklu navine zpět do role. Zákazník si odtrhuje naperforovanou pásku bez stříhání a odpadá zde problém s odpadem silikonového papíru.
Shaped self-adhesive cut-outs are produced on:
- horizontal machines (up to 10mm thick and 280mm wide, 180mm wide)
- rotary machines (up to 3mm thick and 250mm wide)
- guillotines (up to 600mm wide)
- laser (up to 350mm wide)
- plotter (up to 2000mm wide and 50mm thick)